Brady is really changing from a baby to a little boy right before our eyes! He is so much fun these days and busy, busy, busy.
1. Still not walking, but you sure are a fast little crawler! Turn my head, and you're gone. You pull up on everything though and will cruise the furniture. You are not really interested in walking while you hold my hands, you usually just sit back down.
2. You are starting to figure out the purpose of different objects. For example, if you find a sock you put it to your foot, you will put a napkin up to my mouth to wipe it, you will put a hat up to your head.
3. You LOVE music. Daddy will play the guitar while you bang on your drum (or mess with the controls on the electric guitar). Y'all do this A LOT.
4. You will say: mama, dada, daddy, doggie, hey
5. You really love your pre-school. Other than the getting sick part, it's been great. Your teachers say you are so good and never cry. They told Daddy that sometimes if there are a lot of kids in the toy area, you climb in the loft and just watch. Wonder what you are thinking?
6. You love being outside.
7. You love taking your dog for a walk, and you literally want to walk the dog yourself. I usually let you hold the leash to walk him back up the driveway, and you love this! Once we come inside you want to continue to walk the dog.
8. Your hair is getting long and lighter. A first hair cut might not be too far away.
9. Favorite foods: pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, bananas, pears (See the trend? You love fruit!), yogurt melts, cheerios, gold fish, any plum organic fruit/veggie pouch, apple cinnamon apple sauce, broccoli (sometimes), peas
10. You like to point at everything. Half the time I don't know what you are pointing at. You just say "eh" and point.
11. You are off the bottle and doing fine. You still have a little sippy cup of milk before bed, but we are working on getting rid of that one.
12. No more formula! At first you weren't too sure about the whole milk, but now you love it!
13. You wake up thirsty! You do not like getting your diaper changed in the morning (or really ever these days), and we better hurry and get you your milk or you are not a happy camper.
14. You are still a great sleeper. You only take one nap a day now from 2-2.5 hours, and you go to bed about 7:00 and wake up between 6:30-7 (usually). Mommy always knows your tired when you start pulling on your ears. That is your tell tale sign.
15. You like to be held a lot, but not while sitting down. You want me to walk you around while you point at things.
16. You love the blinds. You like to pull the cord to open/shut the blinds.
17. Weight: about 23lbs. Height: ? We have not had the 12 month well check yet.
18. You still wear some 12 month clothing, but mostly 18 months.
19. You love to climb stairs. Your school has a loft with a couple of stairs, and ever since you learned how to master those you love to climb. At Waldo's house you will climb all the way from the basement to the 3rd floor.
You are such a sweet, fun little boy. You are so smart and very curious these days. It makes my day when you squeal with excitement and come crawling over to me when I get home from work. We love you so much!
Fit at 50 | Update (Weeks 7 & 8)
5 hours ago