Paul just celebrated his BIG 30th birthday! Let me tell you, I have been contemplating what to do for his 30th for a long time now. It is a big milestone, and I wanted to do something special for him. But, he is infamous for never telling me anything he wants or would like to do. So, the day kept creeping up on me, and I still didn't have a plan. Well it just happened that his birthday was the day after the first Carolina football game. So, I knew we would be going over to one of his friends' houses to watch the game. I started scheming with his best friend, Chris, on how we could tie in a little surprise party with the football party. If you know Paul, you know he would make the best private investigator there is. He always knows what's going on with everyone, and you can not get anything by him. So, this was a major accomplishment for me to pull this off.

Along with all of his friends who he knew would be there to watch the game, we had his brother, sister, their kids, and his parents waiting on his arrival. In true Paul fashion, he brought all the food to his own party. He played golf with his friends that morning, so I used that time to run all the errands, decorate Chris' house, bring over food, etc. I kept trying to tell him that we didn't need to bring all this stuff, but he insisted and what could I say, "It's already there because I bought it all earlier." So, I just let him do it. I was sweating waiting for him to be ready to leave the house. I knew everyone was there waiting on us, and he was dragging getting out the door. But, we finally got there, and he was totally shocked. I think he may have been a little mad at me at first, because he was in the mind set that we were going to party with friends, not go to a family event-
whoops. But, after the initial shock, he had a good time, and I know he appreciated it :). He was also a little mad at the pictures I put out of him growing up, but they were too cute not to share and a fun topic for later in the evening when everyone had a few drinks in them.
I apologize for the lack of pictures. I was freaking out trying to get Paul to the party without blowing my cover that I forgot to bring my camera! So, I had to make due with my phone. Doesn't he look thrilled??
We have made it a week since I checked into the hospital and the baby is still cooking- whoohoo! I have not been driven to insanity yet, but I am sure that is soon to come. I am not sure who will go crazy first me (not being able to do ANYTHING) or Paul having to cater to my every need. He has been such a trooper and is taking such great care of me. Riley is a pro at bed rest. He has been at my side the WHOLE time. It is to the point of where I had to tell Paul to please just get him off me for a minute. He is the most snuggly thing, and I know he is just trying to take care of me. But, as small as he is he can manage to take all my leg room and 3/4 of the bed.
Ahh, this is great..
And just because Riley isn't spoiled enough, Paul's mom went and bought these stairs just for him. He can't jump up on the bed himself and since I can't pick him up, we got these so he can let himself in and out the bed. I know what you're thinking, if they are this obsessed with their dog imagine how they will be with their child. There is no denying it, he will be one LOVED little boy.