I don't even know where to begin. It is amazing how quickly my pregnancy turned from uneventful to WAY too eventful. So, about a week ago I started having some shooting pains in my back. They would usually get worse in the afternoon after I had been working all day. But, I was not too concerned, because back pain is just one of the fun side effects of being pregnant, right? Well on Friday the pain got so severe that I couldn't walk, couldnt sit down, could barely move; it was awful. Surely this was not normal. I barely made it home from work and had to have Paul help me in the house while I screamed in pain. I called the doctor, and she told me a couple of things I could try to ease the pain and if it didn't get better to call her. Well, nothing I did made it any better. I managed to just go to sleep on Friday night, but woke up Saturday with no relief, so the doctor wanted me to come to the hospital.
When I got there we discovered that I had starting dialating and was in per-term labor. So, they admitted me to the hospital and started an IV drip with some medicine that is supposed to help stop contractions. Apparently I had probably been having some contractions the past week and not realized it. This being my first pregnancy, I really had no idea what a contraction would feel like. Luckily, the medicine worked and stopped the labor. But, it definitely gave everyone a scare for a while. They let me go home yesterday. I had lots of visitors in the hospital and the nurses joked with me that I was too spoiled. I really am. My family and friends are the best, and I am so thankful for all they did for me while I was in the hospital.
The good news is that baby looks great. We just need to him to stay put for a little while longer. So, the bad news is that I am now on bed rest. I can go to the bathroom, take a quick shower, and that's about it. But, Paul and Riley are taking great care of me. I swear that mother's just have an instinct, because last weekend I was in full throttle nesting mode- washing his clothes, put together his swing, finished decorating the nursery. I just had a feeling that I needed to get these things done. So, for atleast the next 3-4 weeks I will be doing a whole lot of nothing. But, I would do anything to keep our baby safe, and make sure he is healthy when he makes his entrance into the world. All of your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated. Momma and baby are doing well :).
Before all of this came up I was able to throw Paul a little surprise party for his 30th birthday! I will have more details on that later..
Fit at 50 | Update (Weeks 7 & 8)
12 hours ago
Glad everything's going well now, but hate that you're on bed rest! Hope that everything goes beautifully from here on out.