
Top Ten Baby Items: 6-12 Month Addition

I posted before about my top ten baby necessities.  I figured this deserved an update since babies change so quickly and so do the items they need.

1. Aden and Anais (does anyone else want to pronounce this Aden and ANUS, umm yea, not really sure how you say that) wearable blankets- Although Brady is not wearing these anymore, he did for quite a while after he out grew his swaddle blanket.  They were great, because they were not too heavy where he would get hot, but I knew he wouldn't get cold at night. He couldn't kick the blanket off, and there were no worries of him smothering himself with a blanket.

2. Beaba freezer trays- I made a majority of Brady's pureed food when he first started eating solids.  These freezer trays are great and make for very easy storage of food.  You simply pop out the servings once they freeze and put them in a labeled zip lock. Then, you have perfectly portioned home made baby food!

3. BOB Stroller- I love my BOB stroller.  It is so easy to maneuver, and it has a great shade so the sun doesn't get in Brady's eyes.  It is a jogging stroller, so if I ever get motivated to go for a run (which is like, never) then I could!

4. Lovey- Brady loves his loveys.  He sleeps with about 3 of them so he can find one to grab in the middle of the night if he wakes up.  The Bunnies by the Bay lovey was a gift from his Aunt Paige, and it's his favorite.

5. Nuby Sippy Cups-  We are in the process of transitioning from the bottle to the sippy cup.  Brady seems like like them, because the still have a soft lid like a bottle.

6. Old Navy PJs- I like these because they fit great, they are 100% cotton, very reasonably priced, and super cute!

7. Magic Bullet- We use this every morning to grind fruit to put in Brady's rice cereal in the morning. It is so convenient and easy to use.  They sell the baby version too, the baby bullet.  But, this one works just fine.

8. Portable booster/high chair-  Brady's Aunt Maggie gave this to us recently, and I love it!  It is so light and easy to pack.  We are on the go a lot, so this comes in handy.

9. Pool float-  As I have mentioned before, Brady loves the water!  So, I love this pool float.  It also comes with a canopy that attaches to provide shade.

10. Alex Little Hands Play Mat-  This was a gift from Paul's parents, and it serves as the center piece in our living room.  We really have used this since Brady was just a couple months old, and it is great!  It was especially useful when Brady was just learning to sit up and would sometimes topple over.  This way he didn't take too much of a fall.


  1. great list! I just shared this with readers :)

  2. Love it. I want the Alex Little hands play mat now!


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