
37 weeks- full term!!

37 weeks!
Wow, we made it to full term!  This pregnancy has been so different than mine with Brady.  There is no way to know if it was the medicine or just a different situation this time around, but I am thankful we made it this far.  However, at this point I am SO READY to meet this baby.  I stopped my medicine at about 35.5 weeks, so I am HOPING she will make her debut any day now.  The doctor says there is really no way to know though.  She could come tomorrow or 3 weeks from, I will just try to enjoy these last hours/days/weeks being a momma to one and resting as much as possible!

When we talk about the baby, Brady comes and points to my belly and says, "baby!"  When I dropped him off at school the other day, the other kids in his class were pointing to my belly and saying baby too.  A lot of his classmates have just had baby brothers/sisters.  So, I leaned down to let them touch my "baby".  Brady did not like this and got upset.  He didn't want anyone else messing with his baby!  He is already protective of his little sister.  I just know he will be the best big brother!

How big is the baby? Over 19 inches (according to and at our ultrasound last week they estimated she was about 6lb 8oz, so I'm sure she has grown some more since then!  She is measuring about a week larger, but I don't think she will be a huge baby or anything.

Weight Gain: Up about 30 pounds from my starting weight

Gender:  GIRL!

Maternity Clothes? Oh yes

Sleep? Not great at all.  I have to get up WAY too many times to go to the bathroom, and I'm just overall uncomfortable.

Food Cravings/Aversions:  Pretty much anything NOT healthy (burgers, fries, cupcakes).  Yea, I need her to hurry up and get here before I put on 60 pounds!

Movement: Lots of movement.  She likes to hang out on the right side of my belly, so a lot of time it looks lopsided.  Plus, my back hurts mainly on the right side, because she is always shifting her weight over there.

What I miss? I am just ready to get my body back.  I do love being pregnant, but I didn't get this big with Brady.  It is so hard to do every day tasks, especially stuff with Brady.  Sitting and playing on the floor is not too comfortable! And, I would be lying if I said I  was not looking forward to having a glass of wine :).

What I'm Looking forward to? Meeting our baby girl!!!


  1. You look great! Congratulations on making it full term! Heres to hoping she comes soon! :)

  2. You look so good, Mere!!! Glad you've made it full term. Can't wait to meet Baby Girl :)

  3. Yay yay yay!! Can't wait to meet sweet baby girl!!! You look gorg!


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