That boy of mine, he is a trip! I had to do an update about what he has been up to lately, because he is just Mr. Personality these days. He is so funny. In one moment I will be so frustrated with him (terrible twos), and then he will do something to just crack me up.
Everything belongs to someone, and he likes to point it out, "momma's toast," "Waldo's shoes," "Papa's car," "baby sock"...and so on. As I mentioned, we are currently living at my dad's house. Every morning when my dad comes out of his room ready to go to work he says, "Waldo's shoes". Then when he is about to leave, he says "Waldo's car!", "Waldo vroooom" (he drives a Mustang). He knows the drill, Waldo puts on his shoes, and then he gets in his car that goes vrooom! He takes after his daddy in the sense that he does not forget a thing. That boy remembers everything, and he will remind you of it often. He scraped his knee when he went with his Papa to visit his Great Grandmom a couple weeks ago. Since then at least once a day he tells me, "Papa knee". I ask him, "Papa helped make your knee better?" "Yea," he responds.
He loves to wear everyone's shoes. We find shoes all around the house, because someone goes and finds them and puts them on. He is very into his routine. Before nap and bedtime he says, "fan off!", which actually means "on". Then, we have to turn on his sound machine and musical night light. On our way to the crib he has to tell everyone and everything "night night". Such as, "night dada", "night dog", "night night" (to the statues in the window).
We have entered the fun world of potty training. He definitely knows when he has to go and how to make himself go. Although, he does not always want to go on the potty nor does he tell me. But, even the potty's belong to someone. The upstairs bathroom is "dada's peepee", my dad's is "Waldo's peepee" (which is a personal favorite of his, because it has a flusher that you pull up on the top), downstairs is "momma's peepee". And, yes that is correct, not potty, peepee. He will also tell me "momma poop" or "dada poop" which will be really fun the first time he announces this in public :). His favorite part of going to the bathroom is the "hush" (flush). So, the problem is he will go a little bit then want to flush, then he says "more peepee", he goes some more and flushes again and so on. I don't want to discourage him from the potty, but geez I don't have time for all that! Overall he is doing really well with it for not even being 2 years old. We did try big boy undies one morning, but they were quickly wet and it didn't seem to faze him one bit, so we will wait on those for now.
He hears EVERYTHING, and he loves to mock you. If daddy swats a fly, Brady pretends to swat a fly. If Katelyn hiccups, Brady pretends to hiccup. My favorite is when he starts yelling "Paul, Pauuulllll". I wonder where he gets that one from? He loves to run off and "hide", but when I ask "Brady where are you?" he responds, "I don't know!"
He loves his baby sister so much. When she starts crying, he tells me "baby cry, baby eat!" He loves to kiss her on the mouth. She is the only one that he likes to kiss on the mouth, but he specifies "mouth!" He also says, "Shhh baby seep" in the cutest little whisper. When he sees her sleeping he tells her, "night night baby!" He does not call her Katelyn yet, just baby. He tries to be so helpful with her. He will bring me the boppy pillow and tell me "baby eat". Or, he will bring my a "biper" aka diaper and "baby ipes" aka wipes. If Katelyn sneezes he says, "bess you baby".
He loves his sunglasses and his hat. You better make sure you bring his sunglasses in the car, because he will start screaming "eyes!", and if you don't have them, Lord help you, because he will yell the whole way.
He loves to hear "airpanes" and "choochoos". He has VERY good hearing, and always hears them when they go by. He also likes to look for birds.
One of this absolute favorite things is his bubble bath. This is somewhat new, because for a while he was scared of the bubbles. I got in the bath with him one time, and we turned on the bubbles. Since then he always wants a "bubble bath". And, he will tell me "momma bubbles, baby bubbles". A few times I have gotten in there with the two of them for the simple fact of killing two birds with one stone. He absolutely LOVED that and frequently asks for us to get in with him.
He is the absolute sweetest boy in the world. When I walk in a room, he will say, "Hi momma!" He also says "love you momma." The other day I was putting on his shoes, and he just leaned over and gave me a big kiss on the mouth. Talk about melting my heart....
I just love that little boy of mine so much!
Fit at 50 | Update (Weeks 7 & 8)
13 hours ago
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