1. She loves school now and usually just walks right into her class and doesn't look back.
2. She loves Brady, but sometimes he can be a little overwhelming (wanting to hold her hand, hug her, etc.), and she will let us know that she is not interested in that right now!
3. She is still obsessed with her Bunny lovey which she started calling her "Ma". She also sleeps with a monkey that she refers to as "monk".
4. She is back on track with her great sleeping habits. She goes to bed around 7 and wakes up around 7-7:30, but she will just lay quietly in her crib until we come get her. A lot of times at night, she will just walk to her room and tell us she is ready for bed. Lately she doesn't even want me to read her a book, she just wants to be put in her crib. She also naps once a day anywhere from 2-3 hours at home and usually just 1 hour or so at school.
5. She has turned into a bit of a picky eater. My rule on toddler eating is that they get what we are having for dinner, and if they eat it great, if not, oh well. Granted, Katelyn is definitely not deprived, so I don't worry much about her missing a meal. When I put something in front of her that she is not familiar with, or if it is not what she desired for the evening, she will start crying and yelling, No! No! while pushing her plate away. It is quite dramatic, but I want her to learn that she has to eat what we are having. The other night she threw this fit over a meal we gave her, and I just ignored her for a while, and what do you know she started eating it!
6. Her favorite foods are: FRUIT!, broccoli, chicken nuggets (only a specific kind though), french fries (dipped in ketchup thanks to Waldo getting her started on that), graham crackers, pretzels, gold fish, yogurt, cereal, vanilla wafers, pizza, spaghetti, milk, and pancakes.
7. She is a little bit afraid of animals which is quite the opposite of Brady. She loves dogs (specifically Riley), but when we go to the zoo she gets kind of timid. She HATED when we tried to put her on a horse at the fair.
8. She is learning new words everyday. Some of the things she can say now are: hi, bye-bye, night night, mama, dada, Nanna, Papa, Waldo (Walwo), shoes, nose, mouth, ear, milk, uh oh, I don't know, no, thank you, please, mouse, airplane, ball, see you (as in "see you later"), that's hot (pointing to oven and stove), bow, cheese, all done, boo (peek-a-boo)
9. Her favorite toys are her pots and pans in the play kitchen. She also loves Brady's cozy coupe, and we constantly have fights over the car. She also loves to be chased and to play peek-a-boo.
10. She only wants to read a hand ful of books that are her favorites (kind of like food- she doesn't like to try new things). Her favorites are: Where is Baby's Belly Button, Goodnight Moon, From Head to Toe, and Pat the Bunny.
11. She gives the sweetest kisses.
12. She loves to be held by mommy. She has started wrapping her arms around me and patting my back which is the sweetest thing ever.
13. She cannot sit still to save her life. I wish she would enjoy watching TV sometimes, but her limit is about 2 minutes and she is on to the next thing.
14. She can be sweet when she wants to be, but she has a little fiesty side too. We have gotten a couple notes home from school about hitting and pinching her teachers and friends at school.
15. Her hair gets lighter and lighter. She has turned into a blonde.
16. Her eyes are the same color as Brady's. They are a mix of brown and green. I guess you would call them Hazel.
17. She is a girly girl and loves to help me do my make up. She will often ask for a bow in her hair, and she gets excited when I ask her if she wants to wear a pretty dress. I just love it!
18. She still does her signature sucking her tongue when she is tired, and it is the sweetest thing. I wonder if/when she will ever stop doing this?
19. She has already gone poopoo and peepee on the potty! She started wanting to sit on the potty after seeing Brady do it, so I figured why not? As soon as we put her on it she would go. I am not sure that we are ready for full blown potty training, but I would say that is a good sign!
20. She can pretty much point to all of her body parts.
21. She wears size 18-24 month clothes and size 5 diapers.
We love you to the moon and back sweet Katey Boo. Your other nicknames from your Daddy who is infamous for the nicknames include peachy and peachy ann.
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Blonde! |
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Prime example of "don't touch me!" |
Loving your blog! I just love these sweet children - so glad she and Champs are in same class. I laughed hearing about her having a "Monk" - I think Champs has rubbed off on her with his beloved MONK!