
Halloween 2015

Halloween gets more fun every year with Brady and Katelyn.  They were both so excited about it this year.  Brady loves wearing his Batman costume. Katelyn really didn't care what she was this year which I took advantage of, because I am sure she will be a princess for the next 3 years.  But, she was the cutest Minnie Mouse ever!

Now that Brady is on the "big hall" at school he gets to participate in the Halloween walk.  They get to trick or treat around the neighborhood behind their school while the parents hand out candy.  I volunteered to walk with Brady's class which made him so happy.  I also came to school to walk with Katelyn on their "mini" Halloween walk through the halls of the school.

Our church also had a trunk or treat that we went to.  We got lots of wear out of their costumes!

On Halloween day, we went to Charleston, because my sister-in-law was having a party at her house.  We trick or treated with them last year too, and the kids loved it.  So we were happy to sneak in a trip to the beach while getting to celebrate Halloween with the family.  It was so much fun, and the kids racked up on lots of candy!

The weather was warm enough at the beach that the boys even went swimming on Sunday! (The pool was heated ;)) The girls still preferred to just watch!


Brady Turns 4!

This year I decided it was time to try something different for Brady's birthday rather than our typical bounce house at the clubhouse birthday.  Don't get me wrong, the bounce house party is always a crowd pleaser, but honestly I wanted to do something that would be lots of fun and not a lot of work for me.  That is a win, win in my book.  We decided to have his party at EdVenture, which is our local children's museum.  It was so easy, the kids had a blast, and it really wasn't that expensive.  I highly recommend it!

Brady is still set on being a firefighter when he grows up, so that was the "theme" of the party.  It is perfect, because there is a really cool firetruck exhibit at the museum.  They also had a real firefighter there who volunteered to put on all of his gear and come talk to the kids.  Brady was in heaven. 

Here are some things I want to remember about Brady at this age:

1. He wants to be a fireman when he grows up.
2.  He loves to dress up as batman.
3. His favorite toys are his cars, fire extinguisher (that he got for his birthday), his sword, and his trains.
4. He loves to play fireman and is usually in the playroom putting out fires on the roof of Katelyn's playhouse.
5. His favorite foods are spaghetti, Chick-fil-a, fruit, chips, apple pie, yogurt...honestly he will pretty much eat anything.
6. His teacher is Ms. Vickie and his best friends in his class are Henry and Jack.
7. He loves Karate at school.
8.  He is OBSESSED with scissors and glue sticks.

Here are some pictures from his party:


Gone Fishin'

I really want to keep this little blog of mine alive, but I have taken an unplanned vacation from this space.  I know I will regret not posting and documenting my little family, so I am going to slowly but surely try to catch up on all of our latest adventures!  Brady caught his first fish at our neighborhood pond back in March, and he was so excited!  It was so nice of his "Uncle Chris" to come and give him his first fishing pole and help him catch the fish.

He is such a boy, and I foresee many fishing trips in the future with his daddy and Uncle Chris.

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