
Last trip to the zoo as a family of 3

I really can't believe that I am still pregnant.  But, here I am at 38 weeks 4 days walking around at the zoo still with child.  That's alright though.  I am trying to soak up these last few days I have with Brady as an only child.  I have been very anxious just thinking about how I am going to balance a newborn and toddler at home all summer.  Brady came down with croup at the end of the last week, and that was the last straw for me.  He was going to go to school part time this summer in order to stay in his routine and give me a little alone time with the baby, but I just can't risk him getting the baby sick.  Plus, the poor child needs a BREAK.  I hope having him here with me this summer will keep us out of the doctor's office (for sick visits at least).

If the baby is not here before, we have a scheduled c section for next Wednesday, May 22.  I know I talked about wanting to do a VBAC, and I really did.  But, that was when I thought this baby would probably come early, I would go into labor naturally, and it would be quick like it was with Brady.  However, as we all know life doesn't always go as planned.  I don't want to take any unnecessary risk if the baby happens to be big or I am not laboring very quickly, so I decided if she is not here before then, that will be the best option for us.

I have had some serious cabin fever since I have been staying home with Brady all week, so we decided to take a family trip to the zoo!  (Side note: Croup is AWFUL!  Not only do they sound like a dying seal coughing all night, Brady has NOT been a happy camper.  He is usually still pretty happy even when he is sick, but this had him all out of sorts.  It is a virus, so there is really nothing you can do but let it run its course.  Thankfully he seems to be much better!)

Riding in the stroller lasted maybe 10 minutes.

Looking at the birds!

2 cool dudes

Then, he wanted to walk/run around everywhere!

Riding the elephant- he wasn't so sure about this...

Riding on daddy's shoulders!

Looking at the snakes.


So fun!

Brady and I had to take a break for an Icee :).

My silly monkey!

He made up with the giraffe this time...

He didn't feel like posing in pictures with me :(.

Oh, hey monkey!
Brady had a blast.  Thank goodness Paul went with us, and I didn't try to brave it by myself, because he was ALL OVER THE PLACE.  It was a sweet last trip to the zoo as just as a family of three!

1 comment:

  1. Look at that little frat star :) Such great family pics!! So excited to meet baby girl! LOVE YOU MEREBEAR, you look gorg!


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