3 months!

Our baby boy is 3 months old!  It is just crazy how the time flies by.  Slow down baby boy.  I am going to blink and you will be going off to college.  Our photo shoot started out like this:

How dare you try to take my picture before you feed me!
 After some good milk, we got this:

Milk coma
 Then we finally caught a little grin!

Belly full and happy!

Ok mom, enough with the pictures.
You are such a happy boy in the morning!  You just coo and smile at me on your changing table.  This is one of your favorite places.  You love to look out the window, talk to me, kick your feet.

 You still have those beautiful blue eyes!  I hope they will stay that way, but there is still time for them to change.  You have some male pattern baldness going on, but you are still so stinking cute.

 You like to exercise your face and make all kinds of facial expressions.  I just love it!

Do what?!

You're so funny!

Alright, what is this thing you are constantly flashing in my face?!
You have definitely grown into a chunky little baby boy.  I must kiss your chubby cheeks 500 times a day.  You are still a great eater, and you are becoming a much better sleeper.  Some nights you will sleep up to 8 hours!  Sometimes you go right to sleep, and other nights you want to put up a fight.  I am so enjoying being able to spend this time at home with you to watch you grow everyday.  These have been the happiest 3 months of my life.  I love you Brady Walter!

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