KVD 9 months old

How did we get here so fast?  Our baby girl is 9 months old!  That means it is almost time to start planning her 1st birthday.  I really can't believe it.  This is probably my favorite age.  I love how her little personality is blossoming more everyday.  She just lights up when she sees us, and she especially loves Brady. She has started being a little shy around new people or people she doesn't see everyday, and it is the sweetest thing!  She will lay her little head on my shoulder and give you a little shy smile.  She loves her momma and is happiest in my arms (no offense Paul- I'm sure the tables will turn on me one day).  She will be just fine playing on the floor or in her bouncey seat, but if I walk by she starts fussing at me to pick her up.

She "talks" all the time.  She says "mama" and "dada". She also can say, "nananana" and "babababa".  She is not crawling on all fours yet, but she is getting around.  She can push herself backwards to get across the room.  She really likes being on the wood floor, because she can slide to where she wants to go. Before she takes off, she goes into a complete split- it is pretty funny.  Brady likes to get on the floor and "crawl" like Katelyn.  She does not like to keep her shoes on.  It never fails when I go to get her out of the car at school in the morning she has ripped one off!

She still doesn't sleep but maybe 30 minutes all day at school, and then she usually comes home and naps until about 5:30 or 6.  On a normal day at home, she takes a morning nap for about an hour or so, then a nap after lunch for about 2 hours, and sometimes another 1 hour nap late afternoon.  She sleeps at night usually from 7pm-7am.  She loves her bunny lovey and always cuddles with it on my shoulder right before I put her in her bed (my favorite part of bedtime).  When she even just sees her lovely she starts doing this funny thing where she sucks on her tongue.  It is her little sign that she is tired.  She always does this when she is falling asleep too.

She still kicks her feet really fast when she gets excited.  She loves to pull Brady's hair, and we are constantly having to keep her hands off of him.  Her favorite things right now are her lovey, bath time, sliding around on the floor, playing with Brady, swinging at the park, riding in her car, and the remote control.

She was not in the picture taking mood, so I didn't really get any smiles...

She loves the car!

The split!  Future gymnast...
9 months old
Height: 28.6" 81st percentile
Weight: 21 lbs 82nd percentile
Head Circumference: 17.9" 86th percentile

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