Snowpacolypse 2014 #2

Seriously, what in the world is going on this winter?!  One snow is enough, but ANOTHER storm less than 2 weeks later- you have got to be kidding me.  This is supposed to be South Carolina.  Then, to top it all off we have an earthquake.  I mean, really??  This winter has just been bizarre, and I can't tell you how ready I am for SPRING!

So what does one do during a snowpacolypse when you are trapped inside with a 2 year old and an 8 month old?  Well, first of all we ate a lot...

Then of course we had to go play in it for a little while.  And by we I mean Paul and Brady.  Katelyn and I had enough after the first round.

We watched WAY too much TV and stayed in our PJs 24/7.  (I have seen enough Elmo and Mickey Mouse for a lifetime.)

We drank...because, there was really nothing else to do, and I had to have some sort of activity to keep me from going insane.

We had dance parties, but those videos were sent to a select few.  I am afraid Paul would kill me if I posted them for the public's viewing pleasure....

Then, what else to do but have a spring fashion show and pretend we were at the beach in 80 degree weather.

At least I managed to come up with one "fun" indoor activity, and that was to make Valentine's cupcakes (in our Pjs nonetheless).  Although, Brady kept telling Katelyn, "Happy birfday Katelyn!"  When we would tell him to say Happy Valentine's Day, most of the time he responded with "Happy birthday day."  Oh well :).

Not pictured is the q-tip we lit on fire and stuck in the cupcake since Brady insisted he need to "blow".
We survived the snowpacolypse, and after a winter full of RSV, ear infections, the flu, too much snow/ice, and an earthquake...I am ready to say so long winter and welcome spring with open arms.

HELLO SUNSHINE- so nice to see you again!

1 comment:

  1. Love all of this! The snow looks a lot better with cuties playing in it :) Love y'all!

    P.S. I think I am going to need to see these dancing videos....


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