April Showers & First Baby Items

This past weekend we hosted a shower at our house for my good friend, Shelley and her fiance, Ryan.  I met Shelley my freshman year of college when we were neighbors in the dorm. Since then we have remained great friends.  She was a bridesmaid in my wedding, and I will be a bridesmaid in her wedding in June!  I was glad to be able to do something special for her and Ryan.  And, let me tell you, I have the BEST husband ever.  I could never have pulled it off without him (I don't think the pregnancy hormones helped the situation).  I was slightly stressed about the party, but Paul was such a sweet husband.  First of all, so I would not have to spend all day cleaning, he hired a maid to come clean the house on Friday.  He then spent all of Friday night (literally from 10pm-6am)  cooking BBQ on the grill.  After that, he woke up Saturday morning and did all the yard work.  Poor guy was worn out by the end of the night.  But, the party turned out great, and I think everyone had a wonderful time.

 The guests hanging out on the patio.

 The beautiful (and delicious) cake that Bridgette, one of the hostesses made.

 The bride and I

 Paul and I

                       All of the hostesses with the bride to be!

As soon as we announced I was pregnant, Paul's mom wanted to buy us our infant car seat.  Ok, if you insist!  I absolutely love it.  I love the grey polka dots- so cute (but what baby stuff isn't??).  The Easter Bunny (AKA George and Anna Paige) brought baby DuRant some great books.  I can't wait to cuddle up with our little pumpkin and read to he/she.  Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts! 

I cannot wait to start decorating the nursery.  But, I have resisted the urge to buy anything until we find out if it is a boy or girl.  I CANNOT wait to find out! I pray that he/she cooperates on Wednesday at our next appointment and we are able to find out.  I am going to go out on a limb and say I think it is a girl.  I could be totally wrong, but I figure I have a 50/50 chance of guessing right.  Paul already refers to the baby as "his son", and he is sure it is a boy.  The chinese gender predictor says boy too, so we will see!! What do y'all think- boy or girl??


  1. I don't think there is anything that can make a father happier than seeing his son's wife so happy (other than grandchildren, whether girls or boys). Paul is a lucky man!


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