What's up at 9 months?

Brady had his 9 month well visit this morning.  It went MUCH better than his 6 month visit (as far as his mood was concerned).  He was happy almost the whole time, and didn't even cry very much when he got pricked.  He's such a big boy!

9 months
Weight: 21lbs 2oz (57th percentile)
Height: 29 3/4 inches (88th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 1/2 inches (23rd percentile)

Brady has grown leaps and bounds and is doing new things every day!

1. He claps his hands
2. He waves and sometimes says, "hey dad-dy", it's the cutest!
3. He sits up on his own for long periods of time
4.  He babbles all the time and says "mama" and "dada"- of course he says "dada" way more than "mama".
5.  He is still really into his dog.  If he is fussy, we just take him over to talk to Riley.  He will smile and pat him on his belly.  Riley just rolls over and sticks his belly out for more. 
6.  He is not crawling yet, but he's trying!  He has just started to push himself backwards when on his belly.  But, tummy time is still not a favorite.
7. He has two bottom teeth!
8.  He eats three solid meals a day along with 4 bottles.  We have just introduced puffs into his routine, and he is already a pro at the pincher grasp and feeding them to himself.
9.  He is busy, busy, busy...never wants to sit still.
10.  He loves to be around other kids. Sometimes he will look at them and just start cracking up. This makes me happy and feel more at ease about him starting Kathwood this fall.
11.  If he sees me, he wants me to pick him up.  In the morning I have to put him on his play mat and practically hide.  He will be perfectly content until he catches a glipse of me- then he starts with the fussing and holds his arms out to be picked up.
12.  He has pretty GREEN eyes- just like mine :).
13.  He LOVES to be outside.  Sometimes I will just put a towel on the grass in the backyard, and he will just sit there and be entertained by the outdoors.
14.  He wears size 12 or 18 month clothing depending on the style and the brand.
15.  He is still a HAPPY HAPPY boy.  He smiles all the time.  It is the absolute best!
16.  The boy loves an IPhone and a Mac computer.  Facetime is his favorite activity.
17.  Ladies beware, he is an earing yanker!
18.  He snuggles with his lovey when he goes to sleep- it is so sweet.
19.  He still takes two naps a day- one around 9am and another around 1:30-2 usually from 1-2 hours each.
20.  He is still a fantastic sleeper: goes down around 7:30/8 and wakes up around 7 or so. (YAY!)

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