The Beach: Part 1

We had an AWESOME trip to the beach this week.  It was SO hard to go back to work after having 4 days off, but luckily it was Friday!  I was so excited for this trip for many reasons, number 1, I got to see Dustin!  I am happy for him since he is on his way to being a bazillionaire any time now, but San Francisco is too far away.  Brady was very taken by his Uncle D.  We had not seen him since Christmas.  Our first stop when we made our way into Charleston was at my mom's house.  We took Brady to the park across the street and he enjoyed swinging for the first time while we waited on Dustin and my grandparents to get back from golfing.

Then, Uncle D showed up!

Reunited and it feels so good!

After spending some time with my mom, we headed out the beach.  Brady ventured out on the beach for the first time, and he had a great time checking everything out.  There was also a rare sighting- my dad on the beach!

Outside without his sunscreen (Dad, not Brady)- say what?!
Don't worry, we had him set up nicely in the shade and he only
stayed out for maybe 30 minutes. 

Our first family beach trip.  Many more to come!

Jumping the waves!

Had to taste the sand, but it was not so good...

Taking it all in.

Playing with Frankie!

His cousins came to play too!

Finally daddy has someone to swim in the ocean with him, since
this girl has a slight fear of the ocean and the many creatures that lurk in it.

After a morning on the beach, the air conditioning feel amazing!
Due to the overwhelming number of pictures taken on our trip, part 2 of the beach trip will continue tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Brady is a fish like me!!! Hahahaha :) Love these pics! Ugh he is so freaking cute. Love y'all!


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