Girls Weekend!

About 6 months ago my good friends from my sorority, ZTA, asked me to come on a girls weekend trip to Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  Why Ft. Lauderdale you ask?  Good question, because no one could seem to answer that question other than there were cheap flights.  And, I must have been asked this question 15 times.  But, that was the destination everyone decided on.  I'm not going to lie when they first asked, I was almost positive I was not going to go.  There is no way I could leave Brady for 3 nights!  But, as the dates of the trip approached I started to change my mind.  Maybe I needed a good girls weekend?  I hadn't seen some of these girls since we graduated!  I knew I would be kicking myself if I missed out.  So, last minute I decided I was going and booked my flight.  As the date to leave quickly approached I starting have some anxiety about being away from Brady.  My flight was scheduled to leave Thursday at 10:30am.  I packed my bags the night before, and my dad picked me up in the morning to take me to the airport.  I was really doing it- going on a girls trip where I had 3 days to lay on the beach, drink wine, and have some good gossip sessions and laughs.  I teared up a little bit when putting Brady down for his morning nap, but I knew I could do it.  It would be good for me.

We got to the airport, and I was ready to go.  And flight was cancelled.  Seriously?  This always happens to me.  The earliest flight they could get me on was at 6:15pm...out of Charlotte- UGH!  So, I left the airport and went home.  I spent some time with Brady and then Paul drove me BACK to the airport at 2pm.  Well, when I got there I started to have second thoughts about this night time flight out of Charlotte.  I decided instead to change my flight to the next morning at 6:45am.  So I went BACK home and spent the night in my own bed.  Friday morning my dad picked me up at the crack of dawn and off we went to the airport for the THIRD time.  Thank goodness this time everything worked out, and I made it to Ft. Lauderdale by 10:30am. It was perfect timing because the girls were just heading out the beach.


We lucked out and the weather was beautiful the whole time we were there.  A little hot, but perfect beach weather.  The people on the beach on the other hand, not so beautiful. We discovered that Ft. Lauderdale is trashier than Myrtle Beach, if you can imagine.  No offense to anyone from Myrtle Beach, but come on you know the parts I'm talking about...

We had lunch at some place that was "home of the swings".  The tables were literally swings.  Cool idea, highly overrated.

Stephanie, Andrea, me, and Samantha
After lunch, I went back to the room to rest for a little while since I had been up since 5am.  I knew I better rest up to keep up with these girls for our night out.  There were 8 of us on the trip.  I am the only one with a baby, and only 1 of 2 that are married.  So, I knew I better dig down and find my inner college freshman to keep up with this crowd.  We all got ready at the hotel and headed to dinner Friday night.  We decided to do a nice dinner since it was Jewell's birthday.

On the way to dinner with Sammy!

Stephanie, Andrea, Peters, me, and Jewell (the birthday girl and my fellow married woman) at dinner.

The whole group! (Do I have gorgeous friends or what?)

Andrea, me, Cady Nell, and Samantha
After dinner we headed out to the bars!  I can't tell you the last time I have been to a bar...I'm so lame I know.  But this old married mama hung with the best of them and stayed out until 2am.  I must have had a target on my back that said, "please nasty men in the bar come talk to me," because I was like a magnet.  It never failed that when guys tried to approach our group they came up to either me or Jewell (the only 2 married women).  

The whole crew at the bar.

Samantha and Cady Nell

Me and Stephanie- my college roommate and BFF!

Dancing queens
The next day I slept in until 9am- say what?! It was awesome.  Although, I didn't really catch up on sleep considering I went to bed at 2:45.  The early risers got up and went out to the beach.

Sandy beach toes!

Jewell, Mary-Kate, and I
That night we decided to just do a casual dinner, so we went to a local pizza place.  It was really good! After dinner I decided I was not going to go out, because I had an early flight, and honestly one night at the bars was plenty for me!  So, Jewell and I headed back to the hotel.  About 30 minutes later, the rest of the crew strolled in.  They decided to get ice-cream instead of going to the bar.  Sounds good to me! 

Mary-Kate and I having cocktails at the bar before dinner.

Sunday morning, I got up, ate breakfast, and caught a cab by myself to the airport.  I was so ready to see my boys, but I am SO GLAD that I went on the trip.  I had a BLAST.  I absolutely love each and every girl on the trip, and we just picked up where we left off like we see each other everyday.  I picked up a little gift for Brady in the airport, Mickey Mouse, his favorite!  It felt so good to get my baby boy in my arms.  He had a great weekend with Daddy.  Paul was so sweet to let me go on the trip and keep Brady all weekend.

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