Katelyn is 1 month old today! She has already grown so much! She is such a good, happy baby. She still sleeps a lot, but has a few wakeful periods, usually for a little bit mid morning and again early evening. For the most part, she is a happy baby and does not fuss too much. Her one fussy period is usually in the early evening. She is a pretty good sleeper at night. She USUALLY goes down for the night between 11-12 and wakes up once typically around 3 or 4, then anywhere from 5:30-8 just depending on when she woke up before. We have had a couple nights of walking around the house, but for the most part she goes down pretty easily. The longest she has slept for is probably 4.5 hours or so, but that is WAY better than what I could say for Brady at a month old, so for that I am grateful! We moved her from the moses basket in our room to her crib this week, and she is doing great.
She wears size 1 diapers and size 3 month clothes. She is already starting to out grow some outfits. The girl likes to eat! We are mostly exclusively nursing, although she has had a couple of bottles of pumped breast milk. If she is awake she wants to nurse every two hours. If she is sleeping, I wake her up every 3 hours during the day to eat. She is fighting her first little bout of acne, poor thing! Hopefully that will clear up soon. She LOVES her bath, like mother, like daughter.
I am trying to get her to take the paci to help with her fussy times. She likes it as long as you hold it in her mouth, but if you let go she spits it out. She may be like her brother and not every really take to it. She likes her bouncy seat, but you have to keep it moving for her! She has started to really focus on my face when I'm talking to her.
She is everything I could have dreamed of and more.
Snow Day! + New Styles at Loft & Anthropologie
4 hours ago
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