KVD 2 months old

Katelyn is 2 months old!  She is still a super baby, and I fall more in love with her everyday.  She has the most infectious grin, and she has started making those sweet baby coos.  She really studies your face when you talk to her, and she is very aware of her surroundings. She will be just chillin' in her bouncey chair when I lean down close to talk to her she just lights up!  She will give me the biggest smile and start "talking" to me.  It melts my heart every time.  I think she likes her momma a little bit.

She still eats every 2-3 hours during the day. She has not been doing as well at night in the sleep department.  She was sleeping 6-7 hours at a time which was fabulous, but she is back to waking up every 3-4.  But, as I learned the first time around, this too shall pass.  I am not going to stress out about it, because I know she will be back to sleeping longer periods soon.  For now I will just soak up the middle of the night snuggle time (even if I can barely keep my eyes open).

She is a growing girl!  She has the most pinchable chubby cheeks, and she is already out growing 3 month outfits.  She is wearing 6 month comfortably now and can still wear some 3 month outfits snuggly.  She wears a size 2 diaper. I don't have an update on height and weight yet, because her well check is next week.

She still won't take to the pacifier, but she does like to suck on her fists.  She hasn't found her thumb yet, but she may be like Brady and never do either.  That is fine by me, because it makes it a lot easier in the long run to not have to break these habits.  I swaddle her in her miracle blanket for naps and at bedtime, and most of the time when I go get her she has managed to squeeze a little fist up by her mouth.

Her favorite things are bath time, her bouncey chair, and cuddling with mommy of course :).

1 comment:

  1. Such a happy little baby! I love reading updates about you and your family!


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