Playing catch up

I realize I have not blogged in a while, but I have lots of good excuses.  Not only do I have a newborn and a toddler to care for everyday, but we just moved out of our house and into my dad and step mom's house for the time being.  We are in the process of building a new house, and my realtor husband said we needed to go ahead and move out of our current home to have some repairs done before we put it on the market.  There was just no way to have the work done and show our home in a moments notice with me and two babies there.  So, pretty much without warning we were completely moved out.

Paul and I had a slight sob fest the other night about it.  While I am so excited about our new house, we have made lots of memories in that little house.  It was our first home together.  It is the house we came home to after our honeymoon, brought both of our children home from the hospital, celebrated Brady's first and second Christmas, watched Brady learn to crawl and then walk.  There have just been a lot of good times in that little house that I will cherish forever.  But, we are moving on to bigger and better things, and because of that I am excited and grateful.

This will really be like my first house that is ALL mine.  While I loved our house, Paul bought it before we were married.  So, I really had no say in the matter.  I can't wait to make memories in the new house.

Thankfully Unfortunately I missed out on most of the packing of our house, because I had to take care of the two kiddos.  Katelyn can't really be away from me for too long at this point.

The beginning!

Making progress..

Getting closer...

Great room

Master bedroom
There are lots of perks to living with my parents, one of them being that they have a pool.  This is perfect for us, because I have a video monitor. So while Katelyn is sleeping, Brady and I can go swimming.  His favorite pool toys are the hose and the Folgers can.  Cheap entertainment over here.

Katelyn's room here has two rocking chairs, so while I am feeding Katelyn sometimes I will lock us all in there, and Brady sits in one seat watching Elmo while I nurse her.  He actually does very well and usually lasts until we are finished. 

Daddy and Riley even join us for a pool break sometimes.

Playing together, so sweet!
While Waldo's house just got a WHOLE lot wild and crazier, I think he really likes waking up to these two little faces (even if it is to a rambunctious almost 2 year old at 6am :).

In the midst of all the chaos going on with us, we have celebrated some firsts with Katelyn.  She has started giving us those first sweet little gummy grins!

She also celebrated her first 4th of July which unfortunately was spent packing.  But, she didn't seem to mind!

It has been so rainy here lately!  There was a week or 2 straight that it just seemed to rain everyday.  I was starting to go insane being stuck inside all day with two kids.  Love them, but Brady definitely needs to get out and do stuff or he gets seriously cranky. He did look pretty cute in his rain coat though :).

And, just because she looks so cute I had to add this picture.  My sweet girl in her smocked ruffle bubble. So sweet!

We have so much on our plates right now, but I am looking forward to everything to come.

1 comment:

  1. Your house is beautiful and coming along great, Mere!! So excited for y'all :) And Brady and Katelyn could not be cuter!!


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