
Beach Weekend with Uncle Dustin

Right after Katelyn's birthday party we packed up and headed to the beach!  Uncle Dustin came in town to visit, and we all love when Uncle Dustin is here!  Brady and Katelyn remind me so much of me and my brother growing up.  We don't get to go to the beach much during the peak season because the house is rented most of the summer, so we try to get down there as much as possible before summer really gears up.

The kids share a room at the beach which they love, and they also go into Waldo and Frankie's room (my dad and step mom) when they wake up instead of our room- which is of course pretty nice for us :).  We pretty much went to the beach and the pool everyday, mix in some golf cart rides, and playing at the house- it's always a great time!

I also tortured everyone and made them take pictures on the beach.  I just love looking back at these pictures and seeing how much the kids have grown from year to year.  I know they will thank me one day :).  It was the most gorgeous night on the beach! The sky looked like a painting.  I love how they turned out!  I am pretty proud of my photography skills.

3 years old!

Dustin and Waldo came to play on the beach one day, and we had so much fun.  Katelyn and Dustin were especially cute.  She had him running around everywhere with her and even performing on her pretend stage.  There were tons of tidal pools which kept them entertained.  Katelyn made one of the "islands" her stage and was dancing and singing on it.  It was the cutest thing.

We made sure to buy a second shovel this time.

Just love this little girl!  This is her performing on stage :).

She made Dustin join in on the performance.

They are lucky to have Uncle Dustin!

Katelyn loves her Waldo.

Best buddies!

We are hoping to make it to the beach one more time before summer season gears up, and then we really don't have any plans for the rest of the summer.  The count down to baby #3 will be on!

Our little Ninja Turtle! He cracks me up.


Katelyn's 3rd Birthday

Our baby girl is 3!  I say it every year, but I just can't believe how fast the time flies by. Katelyn is 100% girly girl and so full of personality.  She is always playing school/ bossing someone around, wearing tons of accessories, strolling her baby around, and just constantly using her imagination.  She loves to sing.  She likes to "read" to us, and she tells us "No talking! I am a reading the Bible story!"  She is very observant and loves to point out when things match.  She always notices people's shoes and asks me every morning which shoes I am going to wear that day.  She also takes all of my shoes out of my closet and wears them around the house.  She has an imaginary friend named "Aiksa"- no idea where this name came from.  But, she is always talking to "Aiksa". She also steals my lipgloss from purse and begs me to put it on her.  She loves her baby sister already and is constantly giving my belly kisses and talking to the baby.  She is so full of life and always keeps us smiling.

Naturally she wanted to have a princess party for her birthday, so that's what we did!  We actually had a Princess and Superhero party so we didn't leave the boys out!  Katelyn had such a great time.  On her actual birthday we brought cupcakes to school and then went out to dinner at the Pancake House with her cousins.  She was very well celebrated!

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