A New Year, A New Attitude

Well hello, it's been a while.  I said I was going to get back in the swing of things and then I fell off wagon again for a while.  But, I am going to try to be better about keeping this little blog of mine updated, because I really do enjoy it. 

I hope everyone is having a fabulous 2015 so far.  Like the rest of the world, I am trying to start the year off right by eating better and losing a little weight.  I am not setting any real "resolutions", because lets be honest, we never follow through with those.  I am just saying that I am going to try to make better decisions on all fronts (eating, spending, etc.).  So far I have had to say no to cake, rice crispy treats, AND donuts that were all brought to my office this week.  I am very proud of my will power, because sweets are my weakness!

We have had the most terrible weather lately, and I am so ready for spring.  It has been cold and rainy on and off almost all of January.  It is hard to find activities to keep the kids entertained all day trapped inside.  Brady has become obsessed with the show Fireman Sam, so we have been watching wayyyy too much of that lately.  He was practically putting Katelyn in a headlock the other day, and I told him to stop.  He told me, "But momma I'm just trying to rescue her like Fireman Sam!"

We have tried to get out and play during any "dry" and not freezing moment.

Katelyn got her haircut the other day, and the hair dresser put these adorable little piggies in!  She loved it.  I know you are probably thinking, "haircut, what hair?"  But, believe it or not it was getting really long in the back and just needed some shaping up.  It was looking a little too mulletish.

The kids keeping Riley company at breakfast :).

I am just dreaming of warmer places everyday, and I can't wait until my kids can get back in some fun spring/summer outfits.  I am dying over Katelyn in this bubble.  I mean, how stinkin' cute?!

Speaking of clothes, I am selling some of Brady and Katelyn's gently used clothing in order to fund my addiction to precious children's clothing.  If you are interested, there is still some stuff for sale, and I will add more sporadically as I find things to clean out.  Follow @bksmockedresales on Instagram if you are interested.  It includes boys clothing sizes 3m-3t and girl's clothing sizes 3m-18m.

Linking up with Natalie and Annie for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. I adore that picture of the kids and Riley during breakfast! Too stinkin cute!!

  2. It's been rainy, cold and dreary here for awhile and I can't wait for the heat of spring/summer! LOVE all your pictures! new Follower :)!


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