To my wavy/curly/frizzy headed gals

I am usually not into hair products.  I use shampoo and conditioner, a hair dryer, and straightener.  Sometimes if I'm feeling extra lazy I get out of the shower turn my head upside down and scrunch some mousse in my hair, and I'm on my way.  However, I just discovered an AWESOME product that has made a world of difference on my hair. 

Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion

It is a 3 step process and takes about and hour to do.

Step 1: You apply the smoothing cream to wet hair.  You leave that on for 20 minutes while combing it periodically the whole time.
Step 2: After you thoroughly rinse the smoothing cream out, you apply the cuticle seal.  You leave that on for 7 minutes (combing your hair periodically to keep it smooth).
Step 3: Again, thoroughly rinse the cuticle seal out of your hair, and apply a dime size drop of the leave in conditioner.

Then, simply dry and straighten your hair.  I could not believe how straight and smooth my hair was without even using a round brush like usual.  As soon as I started running the blow dryer over my hair it stayed straight.  No big poof, no curls, nothing.  It was amazing.  The best part about this product: $10 at Target!

I will give a warning: after I did the treatment I googled reviews on the product and read some pretty scary ones on  The box does warn that it is only meant for certain hair types and you are not supposed to use the product if you have ever highlighted your hair (whoops).  The only thing I noticed was a couple strands of broken hair on my shirt after I dried my hair, but nothing really noticeable.  Also, some hair fell out while combing in the smoothing cream, but my hair always falls out a little bit when I comb it wet.  However, use at your own risk, and FOLLOW the directions closely.  It worked great for me and a co-worker at my office who actually gave me the recommendation.

In hind sight I should have tested a small piece of hair like the box suggests just to make sure it was ok on my hair.  Just thought I would share my fun find with y'all!

**This is not a sponsored post** (Not that I am cool enough to have sponsored posts, but just thought I would throw that out there.)

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