KVD 4 months old

Katelyn is 4 months old.  She is growing so fast and changing daily.  She has the cutest little giggle I have ever heard and almost always will shoot you a big grin when you look her way.  She is the happiest baby, and she makes me the happiest mommy.  She is really trying to sit up now.  She likes to sit in her bumbo seat, and she will practically do a full sit up to try to sit up in her bouncey chair.  She still really likes her bouncey seat and her playmat.  She has enough coordination now to grab the toys.  She has gotten really good at tummy time and her neck muscles are definitely getting stronger.  I know longer have to really support her head.  I can pretty much plop her on my hip and go.

She is a great napper and sleeper.  She usually goes down between 8:30 and 9 and wakes up between 6:30-7:30.  She still wakes up around 4 or 5 SOMETIMES, but those nights are few and far between. She is always tired about and hour or so after she wakes up so she takes a good morning nap anywhere from 45 minutes- 2 hours, then she takes another nap in the afternoon anywhere from 1-3 hours. Then, she typically falls asleep around 6 or so for another 30 minutes or so.  I am working on weaning her off the swaddle blanket.  I am not too concerned about it, because she is not rolling over yet and Brady liked to be swaddled for a long time as well.

She just tried rice cereal for the first time, and she did great!  We will start introducing more solids once she masters the rice cereal here soon.  She is still nursing every 3 hours or so and doing great.  I am sadly going back to work next week, so I will start having to send pumped bottles to the nursery with her.  I am going to try my hardest to not have to supplement with formula until she is at least 6 months old.  I know it will be hard to keep up with when I go back to work, but I am going to try my best.

She just had her 4 month well visit and all is well!  She is a growing, healthy 4 month old.

4 months
Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz (99th percentile)
Height: 27" (97th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.5" (74th percentile)

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